Croatian Association of Parents of Children with Asthma is a member of GAAPP
- 26 Apr
Since January 2023, the Croatian Association of Parents of Children with Asthma is a member of GAAPP ( Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform).
GAAPP´s mission is to globally support and empower patients with allergies, airways and atopic diseases by protecting their rights and insisting on the duties of governments, healthcare professionals and the general public.
GAAPP’s vision is to create a world where patients with allergies, airways and atopic diseases live better. We operate based on the values of respect, responsibility, and relationships.
GAAPP’ goals and objectives are based upon the following four pillars: awereness, education, advocacy and research.
GAAPP is a global non-profit organization that collaborates with health and government organizations - such as KO, EAACI, ERS, GINA, GOLD, KO GARD, and IPCRG - to improve the lifestyles of patients and reduce the impact of allergic, respiratory, and atopic diseases. Serving as an equal partner, they make dynamic, impactful changes in health and social policy and global decision-making, and share information and best practices with organization members. They also improve the quality of diagnosis and therapy within the field. As a global platform, GAAPP aims to serve as a intermediary among patient organizations, enabling the amplification of local voices and encouraging communication across the globe. They seek to demand global standards - including increasing air quality by reducing pollution - that will ultimately empower patients and their communities and improve their lifestyles. They support the establishment of patient organizations in low- and middle-income countries, helping to improve care and support for allergic, respiratory, and atopic diseases worldwide.
GAAPP members benefit from first-hand knowledge and support for local adaptation and implementation of global quality standards.
Imptox (Horizon 2020)
- 02 Apr
Do micro- and nano- plastic particles in our environment affect our health?
April 1st, 2021. started the European Union Horizon 2020 project Imptox - An innovative analytical platform to investigate the effect and toxicity of micro and nanoplastics (MNPs) combined with environmental contaminants on the risk of allergic disease in pre-clinical and clinical studies. The main aim is to understand how micro- and nanoplastic particles (MNPs) impact human health.
A consortium consisting of 12 partners from 8 European countries will investigate the complex role of micro and nanoplastics combined with environmental contaminants on food safety and human health, focusing on allergy and asthma. MNPs are out in the environment and part of our everyday life. They are in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe, yet we do not know how dangerous they are to human health. Some of the project’s goals will be to determine the types and quantitates of MNPs in specific environments, identify the sorts of contaminants that attach to them and evaluate where they wind-up in our bodies after inhaling and ingesting them. These results will help us understand the effects of microplastics on human health and provide crucial knowledge for legislators.
Srebrnjak Children’s Hospital is a leader of WP8 which is focused on ecological exposures (water and diet), epidemiological data and analysis of potential biomarkers which may ultimately lead to human exposure effects. An integrative approach of assessing and quantifying the potential for human exposures together with allergen exposure as well as hazards identification (developed previously within two EU FP7 projects ATOPICA and iFAAM) will be performed to estimate potential risk of MNPs for the development and severity of allergic diseases.
- Estimation of potential risks of MNPs in relation to environmental exposure in school children.
- Estimation of potential risks of MNPs in relation to immune responses and inflammatory processes and impact on development and clinical manifestation of food allergy in schoolchildren.
- Understanding and prediction of potential human health effects of MNPs
Prof. Mirjana Turkalj, MD, PhD -lead
Ivana Banić, PhD, MSc in Molecular Biology
Marcel Lipej, MSc in Biotechnology
Adrijana Miletić Gospić, MSC in Food Technology
Maja Šutić, PhD, mag.biol.exp.
Ana Vukić, mag.biol.mol.
Sandra Mijač, mag.nutr.clin.